
Aug 04, 2004 12:54

back from Alaska... it was such an awesome trip.

I just found out that Betty died!!!!!!!!!!!
She was so awesome!!! She was funny... she taught me to say "fart" in her language. I felt such peace around her. She was so loving. Joyful. She gave me a jacket to have. She sang me "happy birthday" in her language. She was really awesome.

The night we were leaving she gave me a big hug. We sat down and were just talking... she said "Aariga" (pronounced~>Aadiga) She said it means --Everying is fantastic; All is well--. She said when she was young she would say "Aari" which means --I hurt-- but her mom would tell her to instead say "Aariga" to make her feel better.
A pastor from up there repented again this year for what his fellow white men did to her people, and she was crying as she forgave and released them. I heard she went around afterwards talking to more people releasing them and forgiving them.
but the way she died... it wasn't good. . . .

Creator... may she be with you in paradise.
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