1. I support each statement (particularly the concept of ONE WORLD, which humanity still hasnt quite grasped considering how tightly we cling to NATIONAL/RELIGIOUS ideals to belong, entirely ignoring the most common similarity...the fact we are all HUMAN). 2. V for Vendetta was phenomenal. I own a Fawksian mask myself :P
i agree one world would be pretty amazing, and if you think about it imagin what the world would be like if there was no war? kind of scarry huh? since all ones really known is the wars/ i ador V for vendetta. i loved it so much!!!! i loved the idea behind his motives and i especially loved when he asked Evie if she like music... i cant recall but it was some sort of symphony i belive. i didnt know it was called a fawksian mask.
As a strong believer of strength through suffering I do believe that SOME conflict is necessary. Whether its right or wrong is up for debate however. The symphony is the 1812 Overture ;) As for the mask, it is based off of Guy Fawkes, who was the gentleman hung at the beginning of the movie for attempting to blow up the House of Lords and assasinate the aristocracy in England (1605 I believe). Plus...Im still aching to simulate something similar to the V ending, where 1000's marched against Parliament...Can you imagine students doing that to lower tuition?
ESPECIALLY the final person in the Fawksian mask ;)
2. V for Vendetta was phenomenal. I own a Fawksian mask myself :P
i ador V for vendetta. i loved it so much!!!! i loved the idea behind his motives and i especially loved when he asked Evie if she like music... i cant recall but it was some sort of symphony i belive. i didnt know it was called a fawksian mask.
The symphony is the 1812 Overture ;)
As for the mask, it is based off of Guy Fawkes, who was the gentleman hung at the beginning of the movie for attempting to blow up the House of Lords and assasinate the aristocracy in England (1605 I believe). Plus...Im still aching to simulate something similar to the V ending, where 1000's marched against Parliament...Can you imagine students doing that to lower tuition?
its this part in perticulare i have to say.
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