DEPLOYMENT 1: Reassignment to Mayfield

Jul 11, 2011 20:07

[PHONE(unfiltered, to all)] [ACTION(for housemates)]

[It's Monday morning again in Mayfield, and 847 Goldberg Street has a new acting father. Balin Wilbur isn't a heavy sleeper by any stretch of the word-so not long after Mayfield whisks him away, he subconsciously realizes something very wrong has happened.]

[Balin's eyes pop open. He's not in a ( Read more... )

go get my goddamn phone book, *847 goldberg street, brooklyn called they want their rage bac, goooood morning mayfieeeeeld!, *action, *phone, ^caesar silverberg, !intro, ^riza hawkeye, ^holland, @mayfield

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Phone! snipingmissy July 12 2011, 01:36:50 UTC
[She does have a job she is supposed to be getting ready for, but the phone was ringing. She had an immediately inkling that he was a soldier, but she couldn't confirm or deny that at the moment.]

Please stop shouting through the phone. It makes it very difficult to understand you.


Re: Phone! walking_nuke July 12 2011, 01:40:25 UTC
Who is this? Name and rank!


Phone! snipingmissy July 12 2011, 01:53:51 UTC
[She'd barely been here a week, which meant she barely had the opportunity to self-regulate the automatic response to that order.]

First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, sir.


Re: Phone! walking_nuke July 12 2011, 02:00:06 UTC
Lieutenant Hawkeye, eh. I'm gonna remember that. Where's a fuckin' pen when you need it?

Where do you Penumbra assholes get off thinkin' you got'a right to jack us out of the field for crap like this? Especially from the front lines like White Oasis, that's what I wanna know.


Phone! snipingmissy July 12 2011, 02:05:06 UTC
I'm a sniper, attach the last name to that thought and you'll never forget. [This had never failed to have a cadet keep her name straight through marksmanship training.]

I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm not associated with anyone named Penumbra, and I don't know what you mean by White Oasis.

[ he new to the city? There were quite a few new people, and several of them seemed to have military origins. At least she wasn't alone?]

Have you just arrived here, sir?


Re: Phone! walking_nuke July 12 2011, 02:16:20 UTC
[His voice sounds more unsettled now, rather than enraged.]

You're a Sniper, and you're not Penumbra? Dammit, shoulda known I'm not the only Receptive here-

[There's a pause, very much like Balin's brain just shifted gears without pressing in the clutch. She's a Sniper that doesn't know about White Oasis?]

-What? You don't know where White Oasis is-where were you stationed? What unit are you with?

And yeah, I just woke up here.


Phone! snipingmissy July 12 2011, 02:32:45 UTC
No sir, I am not Penumbra.

[Her response is dry.] Considering the way this conversation is going, I doubt my station or unit is going to help you figure out where you are.

[Ah--there it is. He is new.]

You are in Mayfield. It's supposed to be an idyllic town in some place called America.


Re: Phone! walking_nuke July 12 2011, 02:47:53 UTC
Yeah, I figured out the America part-I'm from America. Philadelphia, specifically. Just some seventy-odd years in the future-

[He picks up on how Riza worded that.]

Wait, you saying you didn't know about America?

[Okay, the fact that she doesn't know about America unsettles him, and it's showing. If she didn't know about a major country on Earth, then that would mean ...]


Phone! snipingmissy July 12 2011, 02:51:11 UTC
You're from this country? Then you must have a better idea of what is going on here than I do.

[She's glaring daggers at the phone. This guy could have important information, especially if he's from the future.]

No. I don't know about America. I'm from Amestris, and I'd never heard of America before I arrived here.


Re: Phone! walking_nuke July 12 2011, 02:59:37 UTC
[For a few seconds, there's silence as Balin lets that sink in.]

... I gotta siddown.

[Over the phone he can be heard audibly plopping down into a nearby chair.]

Ahright. Okay. So I've never heard of Amestris, which means you're, what? A new AFS member race an' HIGHCOM hasn't announced it yet? Why the hell would Penumbra stick you in this fuckin' virtual reality sim, then?

For fuck's sake, we don't need more enemies ...

[A pause.]

Oh, and uh ... You don't have to call me "sir." I'm a noncom. Sergeant First Class Balin Wilbur.


Phone! snipingmissy July 12 2011, 03:06:17 UTC
I'm not an enemy. I'm stuck here, just the same as you.

[She shifts the phone in her hand, trying to pin her cap on one-handed. She did still need to go to work, even if she'd much prefer helping this gentleman figure out just what was happening.]

Of course, Sergeant Wilbur.

Any other information I don't feel comfortable giving out over the phone--I've been told that the phone lines aren't secure. I've been trying to gather information about this town since I arrived, but some of it is sensitive.


Re: Phone! walking_nuke July 12 2011, 03:15:44 UTC
Well, no-I didn't mean to say you are an enemy, just that this stupid shit Penumbra pulls is gonna make enemies. We're already under threat of extinction from the Bane as it is.

[Yeah, he's still thinking Riza's from his universe.]

Understood. Though I ain't sure any communication's gonna be secure. Penumbra's probably monitoring all the data comin' in and out of our heads.

[Not to mention he still thinks this is all a simulation.]


Phone! snipingmissy July 12 2011, 03:23:06 UTC
I still don't know what you are talking about.

[She props the phone against her shoulder, stepping into her shoes as she continues the conversation. No time to dawdle.]

Data? I don't understand what you're talking about. If you want to know about Mayfield, I can only explain in person. I'm not relaying the information over the phone.


Re: Phone! walking_nuke July 12 2011, 03:26:25 UTC
[Balin takes a moment to process her response.]

Wait. So you've never even heard of the AFS, either? Army of Allied Free Sentients?


Phone! snipingmissy July 12 2011, 03:27:18 UTC
No sir, I have not.

How many times do I have to tell you I have no idea what you're talking about?


Re: Phone! walking_nuke July 12 2011, 03:40:40 UTC
[A longer pause.]

... Okay, yeah, I think I'm getting you now. And it's freaking me out.

You're telling me this town is real? Nobody's screwin' with our senses making us think we're somewhere we're not?

Holy shit.


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