Jun 16, 2005 15:29
Which friend is the....
.: x craziest-scoffy;)
.: x sweetest-this is a hard one..i guess..colleen=P
.: x prettiest-all of them..except the guys!
.: x smartest-jordan,will,jess,jewlz,stefie,molly..lotsa other ppl!!
.: x girly-i guess molly lol
.: x easiest to be grossed out-molly..and katie
.: x blondest-colleen,sara,umm just about everyone including myself=P
.: x honest-molly,scoff..others?
.: x trustworthy-scoff and moe
.: x sporty-colleen,jenna,emma,JESS!,jewlz,stefie..all the boys;)
.: x animal lover-Emma..and rae cause shes got like 13948 pets
.: x computer genious-uhhhh jordan. haha
.: x nerd-molly.=p
.: x funniest-theres so many..
.: x drama person-katie<3
.: x band person-uhhhmm emma or max?
.: x person that always gets their homework done-uhhm..dee and lyssa
.: x flirtiest-uhh everyones a flirt..well some times
Which one of your buds is most likely to....
.: x be a teacher-katie dickman!!
.: x become a computer person-jordan..lol
.: x become a stay at home mom-..sara?=P
.: x live life on the wild side-scoff
.: x travel all over the world-jess?
.: x become famous-katie dickman!! and idk others
.: x fall in love before 20-molly,scoff
.: x become a sports star-jess,jenna,colleen,jewlz
.: x not go to college-dan..and...idk?
.: x get married twice-psh idk?
.: x have 4 kids-molly
.: x become a telemarketer-chris curcio and callanan cause theyre both pretty random=P
.: x be your best friend throughout your whole life-molly and scoff
.: x be at home doing nothing but eating and watching tv-dan
.: x be a serious business person-molly
.: x become someone with a job that helps people-katie dickman
.: x end up on road rules or real world-katie or sara?
well that was interesting and now im gonna talk about my life=P but only the past 2 days!
So yesterday i went to moes and we chilled and we played 2 square 8D i think i won!! YEAAAAAAAAH! and then we walked to my house..and we looked like we were drunk or somethin..yeah greaaaat times=P..and we had lovely talks about stuff, you know the deal..and we swam and yeah thats about it!
Today..i brought scoffy home after school! we chilled and talked ALOT!!!!! and then we played in the rain!!haha that was the bomb=)i <3 scoffy! we had so much fun..we gotta hang out alot more over the summer tho!!!
great escape is tomorrow..wooooooooooot=P