Title: Womb Envy
Characters: kevin & scotty
Rating: NC17
Summary: New starts, night time promises and pleasure vs procreation.
Spoilers: None...well season 5 if you blink.
Disclaimer: Never mine, I set it free.....I wish!
WARNING....WARNING....WARNING: This fic makes an allusion to MPREG(malepregnancy) I promise you it is in the story for a VERY good reason and....cannot stress this enough.....The laws of nature as they stand right now are not compromised. As mentioned it is an allusion....not icky (at least I hope not) and is only in the first part of the story. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED - so if that freaks you out at all proceed with caution.
A/N: The muses made me do it...I swear officer.
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