Title: Aftermath, part four
Author: Sleepykraken
Characters: Walkers and company.
Rating: PG13
Summary: "Holly doesn't recognize her own daughter, Saul will never be the same, Scotty is barely speaking, and Robert's not going to wake up. We are not fine. We're never going to be fine again." The Walkers put the pieces back together after the accident. This chapter: Saul babysits Scotty and Kevin, Nora cooks (and schemes,) Jason gives advice, Michelle will not be denied, Justin means well, and Sarah tells the kids.
Spoilers: Through the end of season four.
Disclaimer: Just playing in the sandbox. I'll put my toys back when I've finished with them.
A/N - The lull before the storm. Next chapter everybody gets together, and as usual, all hell breaks loose.