Title: Fragile (25/25)
luna_veritas Character/Pairing: kevin & scotty
Rating: Overall rating PG
Summary: Multi chapter fic. Life is fragile. Kevin's client has a brother with unfinished business that could spell tragedy for the Walker clan.
Spoilers: None...well season 5 if you blink. Just a little context around setting etc - This takes place about 9- 10 months after adopting Olivia. There is no Michelle coming back with children etc....Treat this as an AU although storyline should be taken as up to half way seasopn
Warning(s): Violence, physical abuse, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 33,384
Disclaimer: I do not own anything, make any money etc, property of ABC, Author only owns other characters not related to B&S show.
A/N: Ths is a completed multichap verse, 25 in all.
Link for LJ Or if you would prefer this in one hit:
Link for PDF Hope you enjoy!