I stole this from grits who stole it from someone else as the internet always seems to go. Oh well I'm breaking my first rule that this was a fic only journal and deciding to share. It doesnt' normally happen people so don't worry.
You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when are they working THERE? Since when are they dating HIM/HER? since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy mine below, erase my answers putting yours in their place then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration! One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.
1. First Name: Patricia
2. Age: 28 so older than most people but I'd like to think I'm not completely over the internet hill yet.
3. Location: Bethel Park, PA but that's a new thing. We've just moved here because of hubby's job last year. Originally I'm from New Orleans and before here we've lived in Las Cruces, NM, Knoxville, TN and very close to where Grits lives in Webster Groves, MO. In fact I'd lay money that my hubby and hers probably went to the same engineering uni. Wonder if he hates the new name change as much as my old man does?
4. Occupation: Mom/University Professor. Currently taking classes in other fields to broaden my scope and maybe earn more $$. Working on a novel. Type A you suggest? Nah, I passed that in high school.
5. Partner?: Husband. Phd (like grits old man it's also in rocket science hmmm. THis is getting spooky. Grits we need to talk. Is your husband frequently away on business? Cause if they share the same name I'm going to have to go downstairs and find out what the hell's going on! Just teasing.) Not about the rocket science though. Hubby has PhD in Physics. He's currently working for the CDC and before that at NASA before that one of those places in the desert that we should not talk about. Yes I feel like a loser when he's around at times.
6. Kids: Girl. Spooky smart but that's just my opinion. Extremely social. Type A in the extreme. She wants to do more activities than there is time in the day.
7. Brothers/Sisters: One brother. My exact opposite in every way. Currently living in my guest bedroom as he reattempts going to community college. Luckily right now he's at orientation for his new job as cart boy at Walmart. You laugh but at 19 it's the first time he's ever held a job. He's never even had a paper route.
8. Pets: We essentially have a zoo. One parakeet, one cat (who thinks the parakeet is supposed to be dinner), and a sugar glider named Daisy.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
A) My daughter. She's just started school.
B) Parents' medical. My father had a massive stroke last year and was declared disabled. Mom couldn't take care of him alone so they moved up north to live with us in Pittsburgh. So now after 7 years of it just being me and hubby, then me hubby and baby 1000s of miles from my family now it's me, hubby, daughter, mom, dad, deadbeat brother in my guest room, brothers girlfriend trying to angle her way into living with us as well. Dad meanwhile is one of those that doesn't believe anythign is his fault - including his stroke - and it's all us trying to hold him prisoner and we've created his health problems. Mom is at her wits end and she's a bit of a control freak anyway so there are some clashes as she realizes that I'm not 6 years old anymore and this is my house not hers so I don't take to kindly to being given a list of chores. Meanwhile deadbeat brother is trying to milk everyone for all it's worth.
C) My first serious novel is in rewrites. I've considered posting it f-locked on my journal just to see what people think but haven't decided. I've also just started a second one because rewriting isn't as fun as writing.
D) I've started taking engineering classes a) to figure out what the hell my hubby's talking about most the time b) they're actually fun c) hubby made the comment once that wouldn't it be nice if we could somehow work together in a small start up. I could do the tech and you could do the economics and the math? I liked the idea so I should probably at least learn a little bit of what the heck he always does is.
E) I think I'm finally getting the hang of this fanfic thing. And LiveJournal. That's been the bane of my life to learn and occasionally it's still killing some of my entries.
10. Parents: Married just to each other. Now living with me. If she kills him though I can testify he's had it coming for a while.
11. Who are some of your closest friends? Hubby started out as my very best friend a long time ago and has always stayed that way. Have a few close friends who've moved on to do research in various cities. Mainly though I keep myself to myself. I was the girl slammed in lockers in school so I'm always wary around new people. If I ever got an analyst I'm sure they'd have a field day.