
Mar 17, 2004 01:48

Today, was supposed to go take my 1st period exam to get a B, woke up, decided I could get a C. went back to bed. Man i hate school, beyond words. Woke up at 12, went to steak and shake, like 9 guys showed up, good fart joke time. Played pool with the Matts. Bought junk food. Bored. Picking up Liz by the ummmmm.....oh yeah flag pool tomorrow, to see Rocky Horror, should be interesting. so, I'm going to visit Ohio soon, aka new home probably, I would like to stay here, but I refuse to live at home, FUCKING REFUSE.
So I'm outa Florida, finally. lets hope Ohio rocks, heard they have alchohol, oh wait, no shit. Other news, parents didn't kill me about the crack in the windshield, finally getting strawberries this friday, and now, the spizzy.
Vegas. get an apartment and a hoe
Loren. Forget boys.
Newton. Mecca, goth Thursday, don't forget.
Michelle. I miss you
Hair girl. did you read this?
Cid. can i come over, I love pool
Okun I really want to hang out, yet we never do, god hates me
target....fuck you
Cristina, friends we shall be, please don't hate
Pan. your fucking crazy, and that bb left a mark
Amanda, your bf better just apologize
Tiffany, wow, we hang out so much, I would like to fix that, but i can't, soo... yeah
Nester. don't think i forgot you, how could I, I love you, and your naked body. lets go beat up some retards at lunch
Sanity- I hate that class, lets never go back, ever, lets
Sam. Your the best girl ever, no joke
LBs- your all fucking nuts
LGs- your all fucking sluts
Mecca- best beer in town
Liz. I'm not reading this and I hope to see you soon, really soon, bakings fun.

If i forgot you, let me know, because hey, I lvoe you all
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