(no subject)

Apr 10, 2006 09:56

1. Do you have a special place where you go to be alone?

whenever i feel like i need to be alone, or whatever, i just put on my mp3 player and go for a walk. as long as the noise from the outside isn't coming through, then i've got all the solitude i need.

2. Did you ever get lost as a child?

sometimes. sometimes i tried to. just so i could feel like i wasn't in the same place i thought i was. put yourself in an area where you don't recognize everything...maybe a different part of the field, just seen from a different angle...and you've got a tiny little vacation.

3. Why were you given your name, and does it have a special meaning?

yeah, i've gone over these several times..i was named after a crappy country singer and Bob Dylan.

4. If you only had one quarter, who would you call?

screw calling anyone...no one wants to talk to someone who just wasted their last quarter. i'd go get some ramen and try out the man-whore thing.

5. How many generations can you trace your family's heritage?

at the moment, just four. i haven't really done the genealogy thing. i really want to though...just to see what connection i have to the Byrd's that owned plantations and wrote the stuff in my american lit book. i know that we came from the east coast, but that's about it. as far back as i can personally trace, we're from about 100 miles east of Dallas.

6. Who is the best cook in your family?

honestly....probably me. (haha. mom and grandpa would kill me for saying that. and maybe even becca. but still. mom's never made grilled citrus salmon. we need a byrd family iron chef episode. i'd kick butt.)

7. Who is the funniest person in your family?

dad. even when it's just really, really corny. our relationship has boiled down to sports, war movies, and jokes. at least the jokes are still great.

8. In which order do you read the newspaper sections?

main news--local news--business--sports--crossword puzzle. unless it's a friday. then i glance at the news--weekend look/weekend buzz--crossword puzzle.

9. What are you obsessive about and why?

keeping relics from the past. because when everyone leaves you, that's all you've got left.

10. Can you cart wheel?

i can, but for the sake of humanity and anyone walking within a 20 foot radius, i avoid it.

11. Do you stand or walk in escalators?

walk. to me, it's like getting a push on a bike. it just gets you from point A to point B faster. i don't need a rest from all that 'walking'. and actually, i avoid escalators whenever i can. my shoe was eaten by one once. dont' want to talk about it.

12. Do you set your watch ahead or on time?

i actually have an alarm clock that is 21 minutes fast. don't ask why, but i assure you, it's genius.

13. What is your most recent lie?

umm....well, i don't think i've told any intentionally. probably something about my job.

14. Have you ever switched price tags in a store?

nah. not on anything i wanted for myself, anyways.

15. What is your perfect breakfast?

i dunno. i don't like breakfast foods in the morning. 2 a.m., that's perfect. hash browns, sausage, eggs, and pancakes. (dang it. let's go, now)

16. Why do you get up in the morning?

there are days when i pretty much have to ask myself that same question.

17. Do you enjoy reminiscing about the past?

when it's my own choice to. when it's not, and i just can't get the past out of my mind...it's torture.

18. What super hero powers would you like to have?

flight. just to get away. and probably the best unspoken super power there is...dashing good looks.

19. Could you accept being deaf?

i could 'accept' anything...there's not much of a choice. but i'd be sad. i guess i'd just be grateful for the time i had with good hearing, then.

20. Could you accept being in a wheel chair?

yeah...haven't you seen 'murderball'? kidding. yeah, i could. halfway expect to end up there, someday.

21. Could you accept being blind?

more easily than deafness. i could end up there, too, easily, with the way my eyesight is headed.

22. Would you sacrifice yourself for your sibling/best friend?

absolutely. not, like, in a ritual, or something....but spontaneously, for their own good...sure. definitely.

23. What is a waste of time?

this, honestly. but so is Contemporary Fiction. and Capote.

24. Would you eat genetically modified food?

have before, didn't notice much of a difference, besides lack of taste.

25. What are your life goals?

to someday not be doing little livejournal quizzes when there's a whole world i haven't gotten to see yet.

26. What posession would you never agree to share?

my box of sentimental crap. there's a thousand stories in there....and you can visit...but you can't stay.

27. What would you say/do if you got to choose how you would die?

hmm. i dunno. painlessly, and about five minutes after everyone had forgotten me.

28. What would you say/do if you had 20 acres of land to develop as your own?

i'd probably sell it. i don't need to own land. you never own land. land owns you. and when you die, it owns someone else, too. land is fickle.

29. Is love of money the root of all evil?

it's definitely a part of it. see: most of the republican party.

30. Do you believe in fate?

yes and no. to an extent. i don't think everything has a definite endpoint...i think there are millions of little crossroads, and each opens up depending on what we did the last time we came to one...and the one we take depends on what we learned from the last one. like some kind of weird, metaphysical chess game. or something. i dunno. i'm convinced that everyone who comes into your life is there to teach you something, though. something good, something bad. and every time we do something that we can't understand why we just did that....that's just "fate", or whatever, bumping the game board and seeing what happens.
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