I have no job.. again.. Unemployment sucks major arse.
I got told on friday that the business wasn't doing so well and they are having to cut back on everything which equals in me losing my job. I had only been there 2 n a half months.. DAMN YEW!
So now I am desperately looking for a new job otherwise things (money wise) are going to get really, really bad.
I'm okay this month because I'll be getting paid for last month on thursday, and I guess next month if it comes down to it I can fall back on my savings. After that I'll be abit screwed.
I have the best luck in the world.
Also on friday I fell down some stairs.. didn't do much damage luckily just a scraped knee.
Aswell I have a stoopid fuckin cold.. go away!
My sister has now taken over my room at my mothers. pfft.
Always has, you gave yours up when you went to uni.. well I'm guna take my bed when I get round to it. suppose I could go get it next week along with my MITCH! woop.
I think Gary's coming round to having Mitch instead of gettin a kitten. Although I would love to do both, a kitten is guna cost more than just bringin Mitch over. Plus hes gerrin old so when he pops his cloggs we'll get a kitteh.
Good thing is when me and Gary are together here it feels more like home than in Scunny. TBH I never thought I'd be saying that. I just don't like the fact we're so far away from anyone we know, and its not like we go out anywhere or owt. Might see bout goin to a pub this weekend, depends on how tight we're feeling.. gotta save them pennies.