Sep 03, 2007 15:49
Well it's been a long time since I last wrote anything.
The holiday in Florida was alright I supose.. At the time it seemed so much worse than it was. Although we didn't go to any of the Disney parks..
It's was weird, my dad and his girlfriend was there at the same time.
They offerd to take us to a Disney place but mom wouldn't let us go.
Like two days after we got back Mom and Steve broke up.
He's abit of a head case.
One minute being nice then the next calling her a storker bitch.
Don't wana waste this speakin about that arsehole!
This summer has been pretty boring really.
Just going out gettin drunk.
Wanted to go to Leeds Festival but lack of money ment I couldn't.
So I was stuck at home bored shitless.
Back at college on thursday, man I'm guna feel old.
Hopefully this year will go as well as last year did.
Sometimes I think that I'd be better off not going back and just getting a proper job.
Thinking about gettin blue and purple in my hair..
Not all over, just most of it.
Although I don't think that would go down well if I was to get a full time job.
Who knows..
Things with me and Gary are going well.
Almost 5 months now.
Hes uber hot.
Bless him, he makes me smile and laugh.
I dunno what it is about him that I like best.
Brrr I'm freezing.
I need to tidy up abit before my mom gets home from work.