obsessive ramblings from an obsessed girl

Jan 24, 2007 16:44

So I watched The Usual Suspects (that being the Supernatural episode, and not the brilliant movie with Kevin Spacey) last night and had to rewind the hottest moment in television like, six times.


Okay, it's not quite as overtly hot as him in nothing but a towel but COME ON, people. GAH. My brain frizzled somewhere about the fifth watching. The sixth might just have been for show, because I wasn't taking anything in at that point.

Hey, it's a little spoilery. I mean. It's a still from the ep.


It's Dean's birthday! Yay! This is the card I would send him if he had a mailing address:

Dear Dean,

I love you. Even though you are not real, I will not let that stand in the way of my obsessive love. Please find the enclosed sheet of paper upon which I wrote "Mrs. Dean Winchester" and "Merrin Winchester" over and over and over, with big red hearts. Oh yes, and Happy Birthday!

Mrs. Dean Winchester

PS Have I told you that I adore your neck? Because I do. I have a thing for necks.

supernatural, crazy, hot!jensen, hot!jared

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