Went to two different Christmas parties tonight. Both can be summed up by the music I listened to in transit to each party. The drive to party the first had Charlotte Church and much attempt at warbling on my part. The drive to party the second had Kanye West making my rearview mirror vibrate.
Both entertaining and fun in their obviously completely separate ways, but yes. Those were my parties. :)
Shoutout to
misskittye and
jennerose of party the second! Whoo whoo!
Got the hairs cut and colored again. Color's the same, cut's a heck of a lot shorter than the last time. Seriously, she broke out the rasor for my neck again. That's when I know it's good, when she has to break out the rasor. Because I freaking hate hair on my neck. One of my coworkers blamed it on my mother never allowing my hair to go past my shoulders as a child, and I think that's probably pretty accurate. I hate long hair on me.
And now, I go to bed because my sister is graduating tomorrow two towns north at the ungodly hour of 9:30 am. Evil little girl! At least I have nap time tomorrow afternoon, because I get the WHOLE STINKING DAY off of work. Whee!