Jan 25, 2012 12:45
So I go in tomorrow for my stress test and my echo test. I still have this event monitor, but all it's monitored are purse noises. I haven't had a single fluttering since being given this thing. I had two very minor and tiny ones in the week between going to the ER and going to the cardiologist.
So I will never have caffeine again, apparently, and that makes me really, really sad. (First world problems abound.) I used to wear my caffeine addiction like a badge of honor, and now I stumble through my day with flavored water, non-flavored water, and herbal tea. And do you know how hard it is to find sugar free, non-caffeinated drinks at a restaurant? That are not water?
In other news, my recent rereading of all my old McSheep favorites has led me to wanting to watch the TV show again. So last night I watched The Rising and basked in the glory of McKay telling everyone how epically wrong they were, and Sheppard thinking about a nice turkey sandwich. And weirdly, when I got in bed last night, instead of reaching for my iphone to read more McSheep, I reached for Dune instead. I've never read it and I would really like to not have a repeat of last year where I didn't read an actual book until freaking MARCH because I was too busy reading about Kirk and Spock's epic love.
And speaking of Dune, I sat down with it at breakfast this morning, and my mom commented on how funny it was that dad and I read all the same books. (Except we don't, because he has read every Griffin and Clancy book in existence, and I have absolutely not.) And yeah, that's kind of hilarious I guess, except my whole life he has never actually said "hey, read this cool book." He read Tolkien in the 70s when it was first published in the US, and never bothered to be like "hey, these were good" until after I'd seen the movie and read all three books multiple times. Now he LOVES to talk about them. And I'm wondering why he never feels the need to introduce me to anything. I didn't even know he'd read Dune until my mom mentioned that.
Oh well. C'est la vie.