In lieu of any actual content, I decided to play the five icons meme with
dine. She chose the following for me:
My default! These are my tired, muddy feetses after hiking around looking for a castle in Germany. Rick Steves' (the favorite guide of many a person, in particular one of
causeways' ex-pat friends in Germany) favorite castle in all of Europe is apparently Burg Eltz, which he says is surely worth the 90 minute hike. The kind of hilarious part of this is that we looked at three different guide books, and one of them said 30 minutes, one said 45, and one said 90. 90 turned out to be accurate, and I was kind of a mess by the end of the hike, being COMPLETELY unprepared for it. I like taking pictures of my shoes in foreign countries, idk.
This one makes me giggle every time. It's a still shot from Jus In Bello (I'm not going to admit to how long it took me to figure out the ep name right there, I sometimes find it sad how far I've fallen off the SPN bandwagon) and it doesn't even matter, really, what ep it's from, the HILARIOUSNESS of the icon is all about the lighting and the "it's me, Sam Winchester" instead of "it's me, Margaret." I don't find cause to use it much anymore, but I can't seem to get rid of it, no matter how many SPN icons I delete. Made by
BECAUSE RODNEY MCKAY IS MADE OF COOKIES. Idk if it's referencing an inside joke or something, I just thought it was hilarious because cookies are crumbly but sweet and sometimes contain nuts which I don't like, and so is/does McKay. Made by
prettybutt, before that was her name.
Made by
eloquentice_i, for use when I am VERY! EXCITED! AND NEED TO USE!!!! LOTS OF EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!! or very confused???
PEGASUS TINIES which have been known to bring tears to my eyes from both laughter and sadness. A rip off Edward Gorey's The Gashlycrumb Tinies.
argosy made the icons and is half the original genius. So, so awesome. I have them all saved to my hard drive, just in case the internet blows up.
If you want to play too -
1. Reply to this post with some kind of a yes, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
In book news, I read Game of Thrones and absolutely hated it, except for the choice lines which I highlighted and will read over in clips on Amazon so I never have to look at the book again. Of those, this is probably my favorite: If a man was mad enough to put out his own eye, he was unlikely to be gentle to his enemies. if only because a) it is very indicative of how violent and gory the book is and b) it is RIDICULOUS.
Hilariously, I will probably watch at least part of the first season of the show, if only because I want to see Sean Bean again, and I'm interested in seeing how they did certain things, like the direwolves and the scene with the crown of molten gold.
It was in talking about this book with
causeways that I had to remind myself about conversations best had in private and conversations where it is okay to be out in public. I got out of my car, wearing my work place t-shirt, in the parking lot in front of my workplace, saying "it's obviously not that I mind incest..."
So that happened.