You guys, Texas is equal parts crazy and awesome.
jennerose came down from Austin last night. We went to get dinner, and came back to the ranch with two six back of sugar beer (mine tasted like cranberry and lime, and was delicious until it started coating my tongue, round about the third one). We watched Center Stage and then Ever After, both movies we have seen copious amounts of time, so neither of us had a problem talking all the way through it. Then we decided to put SPN in, except we barely got through "the road so far" before we paused it to talk for three hours about our parents, our relationship woes (mainly involving the lack of said relationships), the ridiculousness of sexuality, our mutual need for therapy, and many, many other things. Then we purposefully watched things that make us both cry, and cuddled on the couch.
All in all, a banner evening. Except I had a bottle of wine and a six pack of sugar beer, and I am not 18 anymore. Or 21. We stayed up until 4 am (I know, because I texted
misskittye three times, and the last one was at 4) and today my body is just like WHAT DID YOU DOOOOOOO. Still, it was pretty glorious.