I wish I could relax and post pictures and tell you all how awesome it was. I only have time for telling you how awesome it was, because movers are coming tomorrow, and I did not even remotely leave my apartment in a state that is ready for movers to come tomorrow.
causeways is my perfect traveling companion, I do believe. It was hilarious. We'd sit down for lunch at a cafe, both bust out our books or journals, and not even talk to each other for like an hour and a half. And neither of us was like "OMG WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME." It was like being alone but with another person, which was perfect for my extroverted introverted self.
We stayed in everything ranging from a five star hotel in Salzburg to a hostel in a TENT in a PARKING LOT. (Hilariously, the tent followed the five star hotel, and I think I might have actually cried when we saw it.) We saw the night watchman tour in Rothenburg, which I HIGHLY RECOMMEND if you're ever in Rothenburg, but only if you have a healthy appreciation for cheese ball hilariousness. I don't know why you wouldn't, but I know these people exist.
Oktoberfest was fun but kind of a blur, what with the drinking all day. We only went the one day, because we are old women. Or I am an old woman, Kelly wasn't feeling well (not alcohol related). My liver can't handle that shit. But! I did navigate the public transit system while falling down drunk, so I think I'm qualified to live somewhere with it now. Kelly said I get a gold star.
I'll post pictures next week, when I am sitting in my parents place waiting for my shit to appear.