Okay, not even kidding, I really like lj's current header. It is purty.
SO. Happy LJ anniversary to me! Nine years ago today (or, if we want to be technical, yesterday, since sadly I waited until after midnight to make this post) I was attempting to put off studying for something or writing a paper and made an lj, because all of the cool kids in popslash were doing it. There's still a select handful of you that have been around since then, and OH MY GOD, I can't believe it's been nine years since I was a sophomore in college. That hurts just a little bit.
So, sometimes livejournal has been a distraction, sometimes it's been a crutch. Sometimes it's brought me joy, sometimes it has brought me pain. Most of the time it's just bringing me the porn, and that's all a girl can ask for anyway.
Also, it brought me my roommate
incredulity, my muse
nemoinis, and my hetero life partner
So, you know, by and large, it's been useful. SOOOOOO much sappier than that needed to be. OMG, WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR WHEN IT'S BEEN A DECADE. A decade of my life documented online.
I think in honor of the nostalgic sense of this post, I am going to use the icon I have had since August of '02, the night after I spoke with
incredulity for the first time, and we talked about how we are hard core dorks. It's like being dorky, but taking it to a whole new level.
Mmm, yes.