Sep 23, 2009 22:09
You know what I think I'm going to need? Someone to tell me when it's safe for me to actually watch all the Supernatural episodes I will be saving up on my DVR waiting for the show to get watchable again. And if you can't understand why I don't find it watchable right now, then I love ya, but you are not going to be that appointed person.
If it never gets watchable again (by Merrin standards) than I am going to implement the plan my roommate is currently employing, which is to basically pretend that everything post season two doesn't exist. Tess today: Isn't it sad that Supernatural was canceled after season two? Me: It certainly is getting that way.
I opened this window to talk about something completely different, and now I can't remember what it was.
We had a training seminar at work today, which was really a time that we sat around with just the employees and our district manager and shot the shit about how much we love working at Half Price. He also talked some about who all of the people at the company are, what their jobs are, what we would call them up for, but one thing he kept telling us over and over is that we work for a company run by a bunch of aging hippies, and how grateful we should be that this is the case. And you know what? I am. I am INCREDIBLY thankful that I have a job that I love (again), that I work for people that value me as an employee and as someone with my own ideas that have merit, and some of the most fucking awesome coworkers on the planet.
I think I forgot that at my last job, or had never really had it pointed out to me. Most of the people at my old store had worked for the company long enough that they lost sight of how amazing it was and started taking it for granted, and taking advantage of it. This new crowd, I guess there may come a day, but right now we're all still flying high on the honeymoon period of our jobs and still loving it immensely.
I just kind of want to tattoo it on my face, make myself ten million t-shirts, paint my walls with it so I'm reminded every day that I have an awesome job and people that care about me, so I never lose sight of it again.