I just spent, I kid you not, 3 hours downloading iTunes and then downloading last night's ep. And then 42 blissful minutes watching it.
Oh, show. I have missed you.
Okay, so. Angel of the Lord? I'm watching this thinking, either this is going to be REALLY AWESOME and I'm going to LOVE IT or it's going to suck beyond the telling of it. Because, first off? Angels? Don't possess people. They're kind of scary to see, according to Biblical references, but not so much with the making people's ears bleed. Too holy to be in the presence of is generally left for God alone.
ANGELS. OMG. The good side has been so desperately underrepresented thus far.
In other news, SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM. OMG SAM. SAAAAAAAAAAM. Like, I kind of like that we had Bobby first, because it made the gigantic hug we knew they were about to have that much better, and I love Sam's face and not wanting to believe it at first (in fact, I think I want to go back and watch that like sixty billion more times). Also, OMG, OMG OOOOMMMMMGGGGGGG. SAM CAN KICK OUT DEMONS WITH ONLY THE POWER OF HIS BRAIN. THAT IS. LIKE. THE COOLEST FLIPPING THING IN THE HISTORY OF EVER. I pretty much died when that happened, it was so intensely made up of awesome.
Other good things: Bobby in any capacity.
Things I am not so sure of: Ruby. I don't like that Sam's lying about her again, I don't like that Sam actually left Dean alone in the first 24 hours that he had Dean back. I mean, IT'S SAM. I'm pretty sure Sam would sit there and stare at Dean SLEEPING after four months without him. And Sam and Ruby have a relationship now? So not on. Do not like.
Although I think the actress playing her is really cute. She reminds me of Courtney from So You Think You Can Dance, who I always thought was really adorable.
Dean slapping a girl (even though she's a demon) also made me uncomfortable. Just. Kind of icky. Although Sam fighting her later didn't, because she attacked him first, I guess.
SHOOOOWWWWW!!!!!! Oh, boys. Summer was so boring without you!