Thanks to
thefulcrum and
gwentastic I have a new layout! Same banner, different look.
walkawayslowly I have spent the last hour crying, because I have spent the last hour watching
the season finale of SGA.
And, because I'd just been talking about him five seconds before the new ep, OMG POOR CARSON IN STASIS WHO WILL NEVER EVER WAKE UP. I wonder if he's stuck in VR or if they just turned his brain off. Poor Carson. :(
Just. GOD. I imagine walking into a dead Atlantis would be one of John's worst nightmares. Everyone he's supposed to be taking care of and protecting with his all to not-precious (to him) life gone, missing, probably dead. JUST. Walking out onto that balcony had to be the biggest "oh fuck" moment of his life. I mean. Even bigger than waking up the wraith, because a) he didn't really understand what he'd done at the time and b) because at least he was surrounded by people who could help and at least three people who were smarter than him and could figure out solutions.
And then POOR LITTLE OLD MAN RIVER RODNEY SHOWS UP. OMG I LOVE YOU RODNEY. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. YOU ARE SUCH A GENIUS. I love that he had this little old man shuffle. That his hand movements were less frenetic because he's pushing seventy these days. That he'd spent the last TWENTY FIVE YEARS doing NOTHING but trying to figure out how to bring John back, because John is the KEY TO EVERYTHING.
I love that they still had their bicker on even though it'd been twenty five years for Rodney and he was a hologram. LIKE SYNERGY. HAHAHAHA. OMG. JOHN. TOUCH YOUR BIG PINK STAR EARRINGS AND RODNEY WILL APPEAR.
And OMG. All the stories of how they died. Carter's KILLED ME. I actually SOBBED which is an achievement because I mostly only like Carter now because at one point I liked her. If that makes sense. She's not doing anything for me currently, but once upon a time I loved her. So it's mostly nostalgia. But GOOD LORD, watching her sacrifice herself, watching Synergy!Rodney's face when he tells John that she took out three hive ships with her. *SOBS AGAIN*
And RONON. Going out with a wraith, which is really just a sign of exactly how far they've fallen. It makes me sad that he left Atlantis after John and Teyla died. I like to believe the fics that say he actually has some sort of relationship with Rodney, but I just don't see evidence of it on the show. I mean, every once in a while, sure. He hugged Rodney when he didn't die in Tao of Rodney. He cracked a few jokes with him earlier this season. I don't know. GOD. WHY CAN'T YOU LOVE RODNEY LIKE YOU LOVE JOHN, RONON!? Ahem.
So the SANDSTORM. And coming in AFTER THE SANDSTORM. And falling THROUGH RODNEY. And then Rodney freaking out about his LIFE SIGNS and then wanting to HELP HIM UP AND NOT BEING ABLE TO. *FLAILY HANDS AT THE TV* And BEFORE THAT. When John said he'd been in a few sandstorms and Rodney finally remembered where John had been before Antarctica. *sighs*
And then, blah, that stuff after he comes back through the gate. IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR, LIKE, HUGS IN MY TV SHOWS? Why do people never HUG anymore? HUGGING ISN'T TOO GAY FOR YOU, IS IT SCI FI CHANNEL? Also. OMG WHAT IF SGA-1 IS ALL DEAD!? HAHAHA THERE WOULD BE NO SHOW. So no, sci fi, I'm not especially worried that a collapsing building killed my team. I'm slightly worried for people like Lorne, and OMG IF YOU KILL LORNE AFTER FREEZING CARSON I WILL END OUR RELATIONSHIP FOREVER, but eh. I bet it'll be, like, guy #2 on Lorne's team. And maybe someone will have a well placed cut above their eyebrow. Or something.
And, okay. So I was talking about this with
gwentastic and we were wondering what happened to old Rodney.
gwentastic: I wonder what happened to future McKay after he finished the hologram.
walkawayslowly: oh, i hadn't thought of that. i bet he died.
walkawayslowly: i mean.
gwentastic: Think he died there? Or did he come back?
walkawayslowly: they never really say what happened to woolsey and the others that stayed.
walkawayslowly: but i bet the entire pegasus galaxy was overrun
gwentastic: I bet so. I wonder if he stayed and died in some fight of some sort.
walkawayslowly: i kind of picture him alone in the halls of atlantis.
walkawayslowly: i don't know why
gwentastic: Cause I bet it took a long time to set that thing up.
gwentastic: I do too!
walkawayslowly: yeah
walkawayslowly: oh, rodney.
walkawayslowly: *cries some more*
gwentastic: Talking to himself.
walkawayslowly: being old and lonely.
walkawayslowly: i wonder if he made his hologram come out and talk to him.
gwentastic: Maybe making a john hologram as a prototype.
walkawayslowly: OMG YES.
walkawayslowly: THAT'S WHAT HE DID.
gwentastic: John: You can do it Rodney. But you need to sleep and eat. I'll still be waiting for you when you wake up. Trust me.
gwentastic: god adorable.
gwentastic: Go write that.
SO NOW. Now I've made it, like, SIXTEEN TIMES MORE SAD IN MY HEAD. Because Synergy!Rodney never told John how the real Rodney died! And it's because he died alone and old and shriveled in the empty halls of Atlantis!
AND ALSO. Now that I'm thinking about it, it makes me REALLY SAD and SLIGHTLY ANNOYED that John never corrected Synergy!Rodney who told John that Rodney's old because he gave up. Spending 25 years working on the only viable solution is NOT GIVING UP, RODNEY. Couldn't John have said something to that affect? HELLO!?
I'm pretty sure I've talked about that enough now.
Um. What else, what else. OH YEAH. LOVE MEME.
MY THREAD. And. um. THAT IS ALL. OH YEAH. I've been reading more. RECS TO FOLLOW. SOONISH.