May 07, 2007 09:10
I don't know if this is the last post from my apartment. I may find something brilliant and interesting to say in a couple of hours, you never really know. I do know that last night was my last night in this apartment and while normally the end of things makes me sad and nostalgic I didn't really like this complex and I wasn't terribly happy here. Not sad or depressed, I just really didn't like this complex (see the lj tag labeled "dog").
That said, I woke up this morning to the queasy feeling of butterflies and something bigger, like the moth out of Dr. Doolittle (the OLD ONE with Rex Harrison which is the ONLY ONE that matters), flying around in my stomach. I don't know if it's moving or packing or leaving my family in my dust that's got me so turned around but it's likely a combination of everything.
The dreams DID NOT HELP. They featured Jensen/Dean which would normally be an awesome thing, except that I was strapped to an operating table while he cut off my limbs and sewed someone else's on instead. (This is where the Angel/Supernatural crossover happens in my head. EVIL HANDS LIKE LINDSAY.) I don't remember being scared or horrified or anything normal in the dream. I think I was mostly "OMG, IT'S JENSEN ACKLES/DEAN WINCHESTER!!!" (It's still kind of unclear which one he was.) But that level of excitement can only last for so long when someone's cutting off your leg. *huzz*
I did no packing last night. Or, I did tiny amounts of packing and read lots of fic and made new friends. *waves* Must pack today as my mom and little brother are coming this afternoon to get the rest of it. *looks around apartment* *cries*