so yah...

Feb 06, 2005 10:47

wow. that's all that i have to say.
last night was a party at steves house, and it was quite interesting, we found out that if we wanted... the Wollaston Packy would sell to us. haha "we're making smoothies"

James Pat Steve Amanda Hope and Daley you guys rule. fun times fun times. Pictures will be posted ASAP on my website, so just click on the link above. You may not believe waht you see.... but it's true... oh it's true. i had fun the other night. :-) go me.... yah... hahaha

"Wanna see what colors i'm painting my house" "clay beige"
"You're with the pope!" "Pope Hope the first"

My first slumber party with Pat!! woooooo hooooo
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