May 13, 2004 06:53
whos really right? when you dig yourself so deep into a situation, and involve so many people, its hard to know what the right thing is. as with our country. is the war right? are we justified? were they?
"give to cesar what is cesars, and to God, what is Gods."
an·ar·chy - 1 Absence of any form of political authority. (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language)
this is my political stance. this is where i draw the line on my political convictions. this is why i dont vote. i live my life to please God. how can i vote for one man that wants to end abortion but is so blood thirsty when it comes to war. or can i vote for another person that wants to pull out of iraq but supports gay rights. third party vote? the no-vote vote?
government will always be present. God will use government to carry out his judgement upon people groups and other governments like in the days of old. so what can i do? what does God want me to do?
i could say i dont give a fuck and go on. the war doesnt affect me that much. abortion will probably never be done away with and if it is illegal, it will still happen. homosexuality is becoming more accepted in this great land of ours, legal marraige or not.
but it does...
november isnt here yet