Go, Fight, and Win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the Lord

Sep 27, 2005 04:54

Today, was awesome!!!!!!! joey and i went to the thrift store but we didn't get anything there. We did go to ming's garden to eat and it was much fun. joey went to LG's house to meet her and her mom and grandmother to go to candace's softball game. i also met them there. i got kind of lost because i couldn't remember how to get to the fields but i did enjoy my drive around bevill's campus.lol i know they won the first game but i don't know about the second game. she hit the ball great, what i remember seeing. i supporting #00 all the way!!!!! well, i had to leave early because of work. i was driving again and didn't know where i was going but i did find my way on warrior-jasper rd. At work, i just chill with the kids. i got all the kids to talk about them and their family and they did that well. Some of them wouldn't shut up! after work i had soccer practice with the 1st and 2nd graders. i guess we got something accomplish. we have a big game this sat. at 10 am and whoever can come to the game should because is awesome!!!!! and show some support. we also had our Bible study and it was awesome. God knew what we needed. What was awesome was that we all responded. we talked about being ready for God to talk to us at church or our own personal time. If our hearts are ready to recieve His Word and be changed by it or a simple thing like bring your Bible or a pen and a notebook to write down what God said to you that day. We also talked about the people that just go to church for show and do whatever they want too the other days they are not at church. We also talked about not giving up on people and loving others even if you don't like them.

Wow!!!!!!! i wrote a whole lot!!!!!!!!!!

i love you guys and all of you are in my prayers.
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