Mar 25, 2024 12:15
Well here i am livin on a freakin Ship 378' long. i'm lookin around now got all these pipes and shit. The freakin door is this big ass hatch you gotta open to secure it and stuff. But its cool. I've been up to some workin. Doing a lot of cleanin, and paintin. When we get underway then it will be more fun with tiein up other boats and shit.
Holy crap i totally forgot to tell yall i'm not in Hounduras. Yeah like it turns out the Boat is on the peir in Charleston. It didn't have to leave because some stuff was going on in Haiti and there is another Ship that docks in the same peir as mine. And it is down there now. But Apr 20th is when we leave to go fight for the country. So i've just been chillin here in Charleston drivin around. Theres this one guy i went to boot camp with that i hang out with, hes cool. doesn't have a car here, but i don't car its better so i don't have to ride around by myself. At night though for sleepin, i come back to the ship and sleep in this rack which is pretty much impossilbe to get in. I would pay money to see Daniel get in this thing. I will get yall a picture soon, even though were really not supposed to be takin pictures inside the ship. But this weekend, i'm thinkin about comin home. Manly to come home to get my XBox, rest of my DVD's, and more clothes. I've got a lot more storage than i thought i would.
Right now the work is kinda suckin. Cause i'm not qualified to do shit. But everyone knows how to clean so thats basically all i do. And just walk around the ship and get lost, cause its like a freakin maze with all the big hatches every 15' that you have to open and close behind you and stuff. But its just like the movies walkin around with pipes and values and gages. In the middle of my rack (bed) i've got a pipe going right down the middle that i've gottin used to not hittin my head on when i wake up. And all the poeple i work with are a lot more layed than what it was in boot camp. Like freakin talkin to Cheifs, and Master Cheifs. And the Captin of the whole ship is a cool guy too, got to meet him yesturday. I probably hear fuck about every two sentences. I think thats pretty funny.
Thought i would just let yall guys know what going on, and if you wanna send me an email i've got still so its cool. Like i should be able to do this in my off time while i'm out at sea, so that will be pretty sweet.