Feb 21, 2008 19:25
dropped jess and alvaro off at o'hare, it's quiet, boring, and i'm hungry. at least i still have some beer.
i'm going to bust out the little news that those two have vouchers and are going to try and get me a ticket to buffalo.
alvarro has changed my life beyond measure. i haven't heard a voice in my head for days.
ok, maybe i should've turned in the paper about vuillard today, but spending the weekend building
a model of a paris street in the 1870s and researching debussy is pretty relaxing.
all of my notions about history and progress are being reworked, it's so completely refreshing.
same for all of my classmates "i don't smoke cause i don't know how to roll"
last night they found me with my eyes open and asleep.
in phoenix i danced the polka with my mother and my aunts and shared a few beers too. being an adult (read: manchild) rocks.