I'm going to compare the scenes were Chuck and Blair are trying to seduce each other.
So, when I started thinking about doing these picspams I was only gonna use a few scenes and a few pictures. But when I was looking through screencaps I noticed that the scenes were more alike than I thought. I hope you enjoy these and please go look at my other picspams, if you haven't seen them already! And comments are always nice too!
2x03 "The Dark Night" & 2x19 "The Grandfather"
2x07 "Chuck In Real Life" & 2x08 "Pret-A-Poor-J"
1x07 "Victor/Victrola" & 2x25 "The Goodbye Gossip Girl"
EDIT: I took away the comments below each picture because after reading them again some of it just sounded silly. And besides the pictures describe the scenes pretty well.