Happy New Year, 2014

Jan 01, 2014 00:53

2014. Really? I would've thought we'd be traveling by hover board by now...

Anyhow, 2013 has been another crazy busy year--if I was more hip, I’d have said ‘cra cra’. Most of my blogging energy has gone to my work blog, my CodePlex projects (1, 2, 3, and 4), and posting a bunch of stuff to MSDN Code Gallery, but most of my work life the past year has been hush-hush anyhow. We’ve shipped the Xbox One and Windows 8.1 (project both of which I contributed to), and “Ballmer’s Last Reorg” has definitely shaken things up quite a bit. 2014 should be an interesting year, even if it’s in the Chinese curse kind of interesting. This July will mark my 10th year at MSFT.

Life as the parent of a toddler has been good, but damn busy. He’s a bit of a night owl, so cuddlyeconomist pretty much always goes down by the time he’s asleep. Still playing Lord of the Rings Online regularly, but actually spent a fair amount of spare hours in the past six months working. It’s been a productive time, if stressful. We've been working on getting a major house renovation lined up, and it's down to a thumbs-up/-down from the bank in the next few weeks.

The past few years we've gone back to Texas for the Christmas holiday break, but this year we went back for Thanksgiving. It meant giving us a chance to go to the Texas Ren Fair on the one weekend a year in Texas that's really nice weather, and that Christmas itself has been pretty quiet. The baby gets a bit stir-crazy at home for too long, so we've been taking him to day-care 3 days a week and with it being closer to my work, I've not bothered taking a bit stretch of vacation. We ended up holding off on all our presents and dinner until last Saturday since Rhys wasn't in town until after Christmas proper. It was a good Hogswatch at home in Seattle... With the MIL in town, we even managed to have an overnight sans children at the Salish Lodge and attended a New Year's Party like adults. Now being adults with young children, we had to hurry home and try to get some sleep before the kids are up again.

So, life's good, work's good, family's good.


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