No plan survives contact with the enemy -- Moltke the Elder
The first half of our trip got off to a rocky start with Professor X getting sick. His fever kept up for a few days and he had a day of diarrhea. Once he got well, Rhys and I both got sick.
cuddlyeconomist was able to see her Houston friends but most of our Austin visit was scrapped in favor of staying a bit longer at Margo's dad's place. We were reasonably comfortable there and well-stocked for babyman.
We did get a visit in with
hdan and family, and a meal at Trudy's but that was it before pressing on to camping with Margo's dad on the Guadalupe. We had a good time good at Schlitterbahn--or "Melanoma-ban" as Margo suggested--and Chase enjoyed an hour in the kiddie area before we handed him off to the grandparents to do the water rides.
Tonight is dinner with my folks joining us for Chase's first birthday, then it's back to Houston.
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