MEME: Write 25 facts about yourself. They can be anything. Then tag others do it too.
Got tagged by
norbbiz 1. I have no siblings.
2. I make lots of typos in MSN conversations. LJ posts too, but I proofread those.
3. I'm listening to music almost all of the time.
4. I can turn any conversation towards L'Arc.
5. My favorite color is blue.
6. I have weird dreams.
7. I procrastinate a lot, even on things I know I'll enjoy doing.
8. I'm going to go see girugamesh next week!! 8DD
9. I was told by my friend today that I'm good at ordering people around.
10. I have a tattoo.
11. I love green tea.
12. I like being by myself.
13. I'm currently worrying about 20th L'Anniversary tickets to no end.
14. I really want to buy
15. I like glasses.
16. If I go out without a ring in my right middle finger, I feel naked.
17. I take the ring off every time I get home, though.
18. I'm quoting a (translation of a) song as this entry's title.
19. I have a neighbour who sings in the shower.
20. My fridge door has jokes mocking Turku residents in it.
21. I like swimming.
22. I'm shy.
23. Currently, I'm this old.
24. Later this year, I'll be this old.
25. I like sleeping on my left side, facing the wall.