I'm finally here at my apartment! 8D
Dad had complained to the internet operator company and they managed to deliver the internet to us last Thursday and on the following day I was on my way to my apartment. I was up pretty late into the night arranging stuff in their respective places and
myrtilllus came to visit me on Saturday and stayed over the weekend
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And from what I see the pic on the end of your bed looks askjffj pretty ;; i'm such a sucker for cityshots XD
I bet it feels luxurious to have your own space now ;D
I also took a look at those pics on one of your comments ('cause i'm that curious D:) & i spotted channaka there(=mag.jpg) akjvfsd ;A; ♥. Also, poor A.J. Kwak will have all the blood in his head soon .__.'
You’re a sucker for city shots? Gee, I didn't know that with your NY poster and everything. XD
Having my own place does feel luxurious. :D But doing the dishes doesn't. XD
I probably should know this already but what/who is channaka?
Nope, Alfred's head won't be packed with blood. I noticed the DVD box was upside down when I was re-sizing the picture and went to turn it around. XD
Luckily I got used to those huge piles of dishes at home before moving out so doing my own dishes was nothing!
Oh, he's that cutie guy on the cover of your 'vinyl syndicate'. He's from D-Boys; Nakamura Yuichi (gosh i hate how i mix his name with Maru's D:) Oh, good thing you noticed AJ by yourself :D I really felt bad for him~ ;;
I mean, I love that shoot of channaka, he's too cute on them! And I also love Wataru's pics on that issue omg!!! And! There's a pic of Yoshinori Sugimoto D: there's so few pics of him /sobs !!!!
..... I just got a bit carried away didn't I?  ̄∇ ̄;
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