Sep 23, 2014 16:35
Its been a long time since i blogged..
*dust cobwebs away
Today im returning with one blog post. Lets then talk about the wedding prep since this is probably the biggest thing on my mind now.
8th of March 2015 if anybody who is reading this dont already know.
So far so good. But i have plenty of thoughts about the wedding prep. Yes, im super like excited yet super worried. About many things. Its about 6months or less to the wedding. It seems like its still farrrrr away and you know, take a chill pill but at the same time im worried about things. Esp when the house is also on the way. Yes, same period. Not sure to be excited or worried. Cant decide. On top of this, im taking up adv dip this month too. Triple whammy.
Wedding prep.
I hate it that sometime along the planning we are so focused on the task that we failed to take a step back and look at us. I mean the wedding is happening because we are gg to get married , cus we love each other. But somewhere along the planning, i dont see love. I dont know its like we became co workers focusing on getting tasks done. Maybe i expect more of like gazing lovingly at each other, holding hands and deciding our wedding songs together? Now its just i send you an email addressed to your name (not even dear) and as i attached MY chosen songlist, i conveniently added in my email " for your persual, regards , my name". Such is reality. Everybody now sing " where is the love~" this is just one example of the many throughout the planning of the wedding. Really shldnt it be more love in it...
Yes, it takes 2 hands to clap. I have spoken to Alex about how this feels to me and we promised or at least i made us promise that this shouldnt be. We should always keep in mind we are doing this cus of us and lets not forget the love while doing it. Sorry im such a difficult to deal with bride to be but i find it really meaningless if this carries on.
Getting married
I am starting to get qualms about getting married. I mean the last i remembered i was really sure about it. Not sure if this is the cold feet but as time draws near im...doubtful alittle. Not such a good thing to mention on such a platform but hey, i dont want to only just be like telling the whole world how happy i am when in truth such problem exists. Im starting to like find this whole thing very surreal. Marriage?! Co existing with another human being?! Haviing ahouse to call my own?! Starting a famiily?! Having like addition to my own family nucleus that i was familair with ( in laws) !? Being ma-freaking-rried?! Suddenly i start to doubt why did ii rush into all if these?! Suddenly theres like a whole new meaning to marriage more than i initially thought it out to be. Gosh. This IS some jitters.
Man I love
Of course all these nonsense that i have in my mind has been shared with the husband to be and am very fortunate that he is taking in all of these nonsense and still staying real calm. I mean i have cried and sulked over these and still he is clear headed in this and im grateful he . If he is any like me, this wedding could have been well, called off. :x i know up till this point i still sound nothing like positive about getting married but one this i always assure myself with is that, hey, its Alex im marrying. Nothing could go wrong!
Thats all for tonight.