Mar 24, 2006 23:01
i uttterly hate my little pain of a brother. i swear. fudge. i will and can no longer tolerate his insanity and useless tricks on me. to heck with him. he does not deserve a sister like me, no offense to him. he's just so money hungry and he never ceases to get on my nerves. fudge. every time i use the computer he's always reluctant and clingy to his seat, as if it was his dear life that he should be sitting there. and if i ever do manage to get him off the seat, or some unknown force drove him out, he's be all moddy and mad about it. then he'll keep bitching about it and whining loudly. then he'll make these annoying baby-like screams and sometimes he'd even get on the floor and throw tantrums. yes people, he's that weird. and believe it or not, this little thing which so happens to be related to me, is 12 years old. then, if he still isnt content (and he never is) with annoying me, and making my life a living hell, he's going to threathen to disconnect the internet or the power supply, or any one of those wires on the back of the damn PC. just so he could laugh and watch me have to restart the computer again and reconnect.
the most annoying part about him is that he likes to hug me alot. no, not in the sweet way of hugging someone, the overly-clingy type of way. then he starts saying in my ear "a-le! a-le!". I HATE THAT THE MOST. it's so friggin annoying that he just wont effing stop. he's such a baby i swear. i cant wait until he gets older (and if anybody actually cared about him,) find himself a girlfriend.
you know how much people are saying that when your brother's gone you're gonna miss him? well, think again you! i am NOT going to miss a single part of his annoying presence. the mere thought of him will make me puke.
this morning.
i woke up at 10:30. an early time in my standards since, being the lazy bum that i am, i usually wake up at 12 or 1...depending on what time i sleep. then, i was greeted by the sound of my brother, who was apparantly mad, and told me to get up in a very mean way. we were supposed to go to the mexican embassy to get our visas. (becuase we're not going to prague anymore, we're going to the states and mexico. im leaving in may and ill be gone for a month. sorry to mara, pilar, ina and chesca, becuase im going to miss your birthdays. and the beach trip you were planning...and the tagaytay trip you were also planning... fudge. *sniff*) when i got out of my room, i heard from the maid that my brother threw the carton of milk around and got pissed at the maid. one heck of a bad mood...
well, to make things worse,
the mexican embassy was closed. so, I GOT UP FOR NOTHING AND DROVE AROUND FOR NOTHING. fudge.
instead of going home, someone decided to go to the grocery store. did she buy anything? NO. useless trip to the supermarket. instead, while we were inside, we met this foreign looking lady and she asked us what brand of juice we liked best. my o so dear someone, being the chismosa she is, told her that i did not know how to sweep or cook anything. b****. how much of an idiot do you think i am?!??!?! do you think im stupid!??!?!? to heck with you too. get off my case.
and i'd do anything to just feel better...