Let's say, purely hypothetically, I have a friend. Who is totally not me. And this friend, while wandering the internet looking for, uh, funny cat pictures and intelligent political commentary, just happens to completely accidentally discover a link to a scene from a film of an, ah, educational nature called This Ain't Star Trek and then, while attempting to navigate away from the aforesaid link, to completely accidentally download it to his hard drive.
And then, to his shock and dismay, he discovers that This Ain't Star Trek is, in fact, not Star Trek. It instead tells the story of a rather ham-tastic gentleman in a Starfleet uniform and a rather inadequately clad young lady in Vulcan ears, who find themselves
discussing Uganda in the transporter room. As you do.
(I don't want to spoil the plot, but apparently it involves Blood Fever Strain B-17)
Bearing in mind that the ham-tastic plot section lasts all of 90 seconds -- but Kirk keeps his Starfleet jersey on all the way through the following 20 minutes (and yes, it is hardcore)...
Poll (For those of you interested in the bigger picture, I believe the gentleman to be named Evan Stone, and I just happen by a weird coincidence to know for a fact that the lady is known as Sasha Grey. Or rather, my completely hypothetical friend who is totally not me, let's call him, uh, Xill, knows this. See her PG work
here -- the audio probably isn't work safe)
(Oh, come on. Man, geek, internet -- even if I've never watched Star Trek, I have to go looking for the porn. They'd take away my geek licence if I didn't)