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Feb 13, 2008 11:01

I've gotten so hooked on the Westminister Dog Show judging videos this year.

I know everyone says this, but "my" dog really is the most adorable thing in the world. I might be in love with him. I have told Dan that if we split, I'm probably going to have to take Junot. I'd be too sad without him. Maybe we could set out to write the modern female equivalent of "Travels with Charley."

Dan's new roommate Kristen has this little love seat that Junot has adopted. At first I tried to be the disciplinarian and make him stay off of it. However, Kristen and Dan encouraged it because he just looks so fucking cute on it. So I relented. Because it really is the most adorable thing in the world to see him sleeping on the love seat.

He LOVES it. He really is just so fucking happy to be sleeping on the love seat. Sometimes he lays on it with all on four paws intertwined. In fact, it's so fucking cute that Dan, Kristen and I keep finding ourselves just watching him for periods of time. This morning he looked like he was sucking his thumb. If there was a Junot Web cam, I'd watch it all the time. At one point, Dan bought a child's race car bed for Junot to sleep in and when he wanted Junie to go into it, he would say "Junot, Vrooom, vroom." So now when you want Junot to go lay down on the love seat, you just have to say "Junot, vroom, vroom" and he runs and gets onto it. Kristen found her dog, Cooper, (an oddly charming llasa apso) sleeping on the loveseat with Junot one morning and snapped a cell phone picture.

Last Saturday, Junot and Cooper were running around and playing before I got out of Dan's bed. Junot started doing this little game where they'd both run into the bedroom, lick my face, run out again and then do the same thing a few minutes later. They must have done it about four times. It was too cute.

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