Feb 14, 2007 17:50
We're nearing midterm break, or as MUN likes to call it: "reading break". Basically it's so all of us slackers can catch up on our readings we've fallen behind on. For this reason, the library will continue to remain open the four days the school is closed.
For me, I have crap loads of work to do before that break. This Friday I have my 2425 Environmental News Break assignment due, along with my 3210 cartography project on Christopher Saxton. I also have my 1011 History research proposal due.
My eyes are beginning to blur--I hate computer screens. I was in the library here yesterday from 2pm-11:30pm in the map library reading through piles of books to finalize sources for history and cartography.
I found out my convocation for UCFV is June 15th. I will be in Abbotsford for it--I am going to finish Intercession early and write exams early so that in the end--you guessed it--I can leave early. Classes for intercession don't officially end until June 18th and exams start a few days after that. So I will be done hella early. I will graduate with my Associate of Arts Degree--well earned I'd say.
May 28th, 2008 is the date of my convocation here at MUN for my BA. Funny how I graduate twice in 1 year. I checked my student self-service online and found that the final credits from UCFV were evaluated and it looks like my Geography 362 Tourism class transferred over to be Geog 4405 Parks planning. This means i only have TWO 4XXX-level classes left for my major rather than three...and that's 1 less class now for me in the Fall which means slightly more sanity is in my favour. YAY!
April 16th I plan to fly from St. John's to Edmonton for three weeks. April 26th early Malcolm and I are going to be driving down to Abbotsford for my girlfriend Sarah and her boy Steve's wedding that is the 28th. I will be excited to see some family during that time. Monday morning the 30th we will drive back up so Malcolm can be at work for the 1st of May. I will leave the 8th of May to get back here for Intercession. It's going to be hectic I tell you...14 weeks worth of classes crammed into 6 weeks. :S
When Intercession is done I will fly out for convocation like I said and Malcolm will drive down to pick me up. We'll go back to Edmonton and I'll be there until the Fall when classes start again. I will get some sort of job while in Edmonton--probably do some volunteer work with children so it looks good when I apply to U of A for the Post-degree BEd (secondary school option) program. Thing that sucks is that their program is 2 years rather than 1.