Jan 03, 2007 13:52
So I wandered...
I made my way over to the geography dept. on the second floor of the science building. I went into the office of the dept assistant and head and a kind Carol Anne Coffey was there to greet me. I sat for a bit and talked waiting for Dr. Storey the dept head to show as she said he should be around in a few minutes. But to no avail, he probably got caught up chatting with someone. No biggie. She did let me look at a calendar and at my file they received. Turns out the 3222 geog stats class I'm registered in is redundant as they gave me credit for stats 2500--so I don't have to take 3222 as 2500 stats counts. So i'm one less class now :) Woo hoo!!! This means that I don't have to take the night bus home on Tuesdays. However, this made me nervous about when I'll be done my degree. So I decided to check into things. First things first however.
I headed over the skywalk that connects science building to the arts building and went to the office of the registrar to ask about my student loan appendix form. I need to print it off the bcsap website and bring it to them...they couldn't do it as their system was down all day...still is in fact and will be until tomorrow at 10--at least. Anyhoo..then went back to the science building to see if Dr. Storey came around and still no. I was introduced to a few other staff and then I went back to the registrar to see Barbara Adams the evaluations officer for transcripts. While in admissions I dropped 3222. Becuase the system was down Barbara couldn't check on the evaluation of my summer 2006 courses. Around October I had submitted a form for UCFV to release my transcripts a second time to MUN that included final grades for my summer 2006 courses. The geography department still doesn't have the summer ones as of today so I went to Barbara seeking out those transcripts. She can't check them until tomorrow anyway---but I'm going to call UCFV anyway to get my Fall 2006 final grades submitted to MUN as well which will again include summer anyway. Will probably take about a week to send and a week to process. DAMN TIME!! ALWAYS IN MY WAY! DAMMIT!
Meanwhile, Mrs. Adams had me fill out a request form for program audit--Kay Macfarlane across the way I met--she evaluates courses to see what I have left to do for my program. Won't be of use until I get those courses from UCFV sent over for evaluation anyway. But regardless, she told me I can always have another one done once those are in, for now this will show me up to date what I have. I can fill in the blanks with what I know I've taken.
Malcolm is 3 hours away from Vernon right now. He was parked overnight in a line up of cars at Lake Louise due to 3 avalanches--one at lake louise and two near revelstoke. he got there around 9pm last night and only at 1pm today did he start to leave lake louise. Got stopped again 20 clicks outside Golden from other avalanches. Bloody hell--nothing going right eh? He said that CTV and CBC passed him on the way out...should be on the news then.
So tomorrow I'm going to go to MUNSU *Student Union* to apply for an emergency student loan for books, and then go to the office of The Muse newspaper to speak with editors about writing for them. Should be much fun. I may stop by Karen Butler's office too, to speak with her about transfer credits....looks like I may be at MUN until April :-S Such is life....
student loans,
transfer hell,