Oct 28, 2005 23:06

"When you get what you want, but not what you need"

20 things that you night not know about me...

1.I am the most self-concious person I have ever met.
2.I do honestly think that music was the best thing ever invented and I would die without it.
3.I sometimes feel like people want me to be someone I'm not, and they won't except me otherwise.
4.I want my lip pierced VERY VERY VERY VERY bad.
5.I make myself laugh all the time, even when I'm alone.
6.I'm obsessed with Arizona Green Tea because when I drink it I think it makes me skinnier, yeah I know what the hell right?
7.If I could do anything with my life I would be famous.
8.In first grade I had a boyfriend named Tommy Jankowski. lol
9.I LOVE cities, and lights, and I wish I still lived in livonia sometimes cuz there are too many tree's in Commerce.
10.I'm trying to not eat meat anymore.
11.I am impatiently waiting for my soulmate and I agree that I think it's weird when you say "could it be him" but at the moment I do that.
12.I want 7 tattoos.
13.My favorite thing to do is watch local bands play, usually it's BEAUTY AND BETRAYAL, and BOY RETREATS, cuz they are all my boys!
14.I HATE scales.
15.I don't handle pain easily and I'm usually too hard on myself.
16.Lately my mom has become one of my Best Friends.
17.I cherish each and every single friend, or just acquaintances that I have in my life.
18.I LOVE animals a lot and I want a big hige great dane.
19.I don't like to be rushed.
20.I fall to easily.


I choose Gloria to do this just because I think she is gorgeous and I want to know more about her...lol.
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