Title: Circus
Character: Cassidy Haley
wakingnitemarexRating: G
Disclaimer: I'm not Cassidy, sorry to disappoint. This is just a work of fiction.
Author's Notes: Possible submission for the
second cassidyfanworks drabble prompt (cotton). Feedback would be loved. Cut lyrics from 'Circus' by Britney Spears.
Its funny how a scent or taste can transport you back, but it happens to me all the time. Take the cotton candy I had today at the carnival for example - I couldn’t help but think back to my days in the circus. The kids in the crowd always loved the candy.
I miss it sometimes, y’know. It was a defining point in my life - I have a lot of memories from those days, both good and bad. I wouldn’t go back, though. Not permanently, at least. I’m past it all, on a different track, but I still miss it.