This picspam is made for a book adaptation challenge over at
lit_library (Join the Romantics!)
It's my top five Jane Austen Adaptations, from last to first :D
5th place: Pride and Predjudice (2005)
This movie is here because of the lighting, camera work and supportive actors and actresses. I don't like either Keira Knightley or Matthew Macfadyen in this movie. He looks like a sick puppy. But whatever, everything around them is wonderful :D
4th place: Mansfield Park (1999
I know this movie isn't following the book, but it's the only adaptation that I've seen without reading the book first. Frances O'Connor is wonderful here and I like the way they built it.
3rd place: Persuasion (2007)
Persuasion may be my favourite Austen book. It's perfectly built up and have believable characters. And I think this adaptation does it justice. The ocean scenes are beautiful :)
2nd place: Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Nothing much to say about this ♥ My first Austen love. Colin Firth *sight*
1st place: Sense and sensibility (2007)
This adaptation is just beautiful. Every camera movement is perfect and the actors are great :D
[x] Comments are ♥
[x] Don't use my work as bases for your graphics without asking me first!
[x] All pics by me
[x] Enjoy!