U-Kiss MV: Neverland

Aug 31, 2011 23:12

I wasn't actually going to comment upon this one or anything, even after seeing the teaser, but I couldn't really resist. 8')

It was a really great MV. O.o They're back to spazzing dancing with fabulous outfits, which is pretty much how I like my U-Kiss.

When I first heard the song itself, I thought that the chorus was epic shite deluxe, especially coming from U-Kiss. Though the massive abuse of autotune kind of put me off, particularly during the verses, but it was all saved by Soohyun's VERY MUCH EPIC finishing chorus. MOST. EPIC. SHITE. EVARRRRR. And U-Kiss demonstrates once more that they also have a member than can actually sing; their gracious leader.

Of course, it is a bit too autotuned for mytaste; but then again, being a fan of KPOP, I can't really be picky about that. xD Hell, autotune is a part of the charm. It's how they roll, even if it's a bit too heavy at times. LIKE IN THIS ONE DAMN IT. I think about every other line is autotuned or something, seriously. EVERY OTHER FEKKIN LINE. But whatever, they sound nice like that, so I don't really care. Not really.

The choreography and design of the MV was also much better than expected. Of course, the peak from the teaser caught my interest pretty well, but seeing the dance in connection with the vid was amazing. Very peculiar, I must say, though I thought it looked silly at first. I guess it grew on me after the first thirty times I spammed the vid. x3

The concept with the sort of dreamy snowlands and underground ice shelter was also very cool, as well as the final heated water scenes. Outfits were also interesting, as well as styling (yeah, more about that later...) and expressions.


image Click to view

I think this is an appropriate time to mention that 00:42-00:47 is the most handsome thing I've ever seen. Soohyun, why u so smex.

Well, anyways.

The make-up.

Holy crap.

The make-up in this one. D:

For some, the guyliner works well. Say, for Kevin and Kiseop. For others, not so well. Mostly...


GOD, I'm afraid of that guy, actually. The one guy within KPOP I actually fear. >.> And with good reason, as I remembered when watching this. ERBADERP.

My God, Eli. D: This looks creepily trans-ish. Although, in the real vid, you can see more of his sparkles. Which is as disturbing as it sounds. What's worse, he spends the majority of the song singing rape.

Also, Dongho does far better without. D:

.... Seriously, these pictures don't reflect the awkwardness of that as well as watching 1080p full screen. D:

Although, some people look better.


Worst thing is, it still looks good on him. xD

Woot woot. I needed two pics because it's Kevin.

Also, I must mention how I think Kevin looks/acts slightly like a bitch in this one. I mean, just look at the last picture. Not to mention that the opening sequence of the vid is him slapping/punching Kiseop and AJ. He's bitchier than 4Minute. I love it. :')

Further on, KISEOP randomly looks great in this vid. O.o

Very fierce indeed. *approves* Though his, erhm, singing, really surprised me. I couldn't tell it was him when I heard the song, it was first now I realized. O.o I just thought they turned the autotune the wrong way with AJ or whatever. But it was SMEXEH. :D

Hoon also looks remarkably good here. O.o Though his shirt, not so much. And he got to sing a part of the chorus! :'D He sounded so gooood~!


HE is so HANDSOME. God, it sucks that I can't either a) find a proper pic, or b) screencap properly. xD Though, in my defense, this vid was often blurry as an effect, or switched superfast between the shots, so yeah. Best I could do.

God, did he really give me a fangasm in this vid. O.o As previously mentioned, the first bit of the first chorus just kills me, and everytime he sings the high notes, I get chills. Who claimed Korean boy bands can't sing? They haven't heard Soohyun, I must say!

BUT! I discovered one more thing in this vid.

Soohyun has a perfect amount of armpit hair.

... Yes, that is actually pretty weird of me, come think of it.

However, a check in the mirror reveals that I don't look like a person who cares.

Not cleanly shaved disturbingly (as opposed to the guys in Tenimyu) or disgustingly hairy. Yes. This is the kind of armpits I want my guys to have. Surprisingly enough, Kevin also had his fair share of armpit hair. I won't say anything about Kiseop. xD


I don't really have anything to say about him, but it would be awkward not to include AJ. So here's a pic of him too;

... Blame poor picture on AJ's inability to look more or less normal when he sings.

Bottom line is, I liked this MV surprisingly much, and can say for sure that it's what will be remembered as U-Kiss's achievement in 2011. Seriously. And it'll be deserved.

kpop, u-kiss

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