Happy 3rd anniversary, SHINee!! :D
Wow, seriously, only three years of business, and you're so huge. O.o And afdafdafdaafdafdafdafdafda. I LUFFS YOU. <3
Gaaaah, why are you so awesome. *_*
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Seriously, they are.
Whatnot, with having a group where EVERYONE can sing and dance, and a couple of talented rappers... They are not just famous for great looks and style, even though they are supposed to be leading idols in fashion, dancing and trends as well. Which they succeed at, of course; THEY ARE SHINING. (lolbadpuns)
Anyways, congratulations with your three years! ^^ Whoopdedoo!
Here's SHINee's own message to the fans for their anniversary;
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