Feb 09, 2008 22:28
So, I kind of left things hanging there with that last post. I still have a job! So, no worries at the moment about being in the poorhouse. However ... the scope of my job has changed, pretty significantly, to the point where I am actively looking at other options.
I'm fortunate to have other options. Some people don't. I have, in fact, three very viable options, three people who have approached me and offered to at least consider me for open positions they have. If I have to go through the stress of another job change in less than a year - it's comforting to know that people actively want me and will go so far as to approach, and offer. Two of the options are within my current company, one is an external option, which I'm not seriously considering because the commute would be evil, although the boss would be fantastic. I bid on one of them today, an internal position - I was torn about doing it now, and I kind of wanted to wait, but, carpe diem. It seems to be the phrase of the week.
I also got my salary increase and bonus info, and I'm satisfied - more than I expected, actually; I certainly didn't set the world on fire this year. Learning something new PLUS being in school full-time has taken the wind out of me career-wise. One of the things I'm most worried about with changing jobs now is the impact it will have on my MBA program. I spoke with the director and he said I can take as long as I need to take to finish it, leave of absence, space out the classes, whatever works, they're flexible and they're committed to taking my tuition money helping me make this work. At the very least, I'm going to Brazil with my cohort in June, because I can't bear for them to go without me (and I can't bear to go on an international trip for two weeks with anybody but them!!!!). After that, I'll have to see how it's going. There will only be four courses left ... if job pressures are horrendous (and I suspect they will be, in July through September especially) then I can postpone those classes and take them with another cohort.
It will suck, but I will at least retain my sanity. My study team said they don't want me to take a leave, and they will carry me on their backs through to the end if I need it. But I want to learn, not just to get through the classes with passing grades. It's sweet of them, anyway. If I do have to take a leave, it will break my heart to not finish with them.
One of my professors (from the Leadership course) asked me to come and speak to the newest cohort, so I've set up an hour (an hour! what does he want me to talk to them about for AN HOUR!) in one of my upcoming classes, to skip out and meet with them - simpler than I thought it would be, because the class I'm skipping is being taught by his wife :D ("You come at a high price," he laughed. "I have to clean out the garage for this.") He's also trying to push me into a second program, about corporate sustainability. While it's certainly right up my alley ... I don't see a clear future in it ... and I don't have another 14 grand lying around. The other thing he keeps talking to me about is that he thinks I should go into coaching/mentoring/teaching/training. Which is something I love and have always wanted to do. If he came through with an offer for something like that - I might consider it!
My husband got the wireless router working today, so all the computers in the house have the internets now, and we're all ridiculously pleased with that.