Jul 28, 2009 19:57
104 Sunday- 600--walk 45min -- 566 cal
104 Monday- 100 Gym 90 min cardio -- 800 fuck!!
104 Tuesday- 300 Body conditioning class -- 381 not as bad as yesterday, why do I keep eating!?
Weds- 500 Yoga/walk
Thurs- Fast Body conditioning class
Friday-400 Walk/Bikeride/abs
Sat- 200 Yoga/walk
I don't know what the eff to do with myself...I wanna be back at the empty point. I feel the best when I don't eat yet I keep stuffing my face. Awesome Erica. What a failure. Back to b/p. I hate life sometimes. So up and down, nothing remains consistent.
Why couldn't I be addicted to drawing, or exercise, or something productive, but no, I was given the joy of food obsession.