i can't tell lately if life is eventful or boring. I'm going to say eventful? At the moment I'm feeling loved, and happy, but still stressed out. it's really an odd mixture.
I feel like i am peeling away, one by one, my stressors. i talked to becca today, finally. it was a good talk that resulted in me officially heading to florida instead of tennessee on august 6th. there were just so many reasons for me to go home. that means i'll be home for 20 days instead of ten, and i'm really, really happy about that. it means more time with michelle, heather, chris, olivia, leslie, alex, etc. and whoever else shows up. and jen lee will be in fl on august 20th. it means getting to see annie before she leaves on august 7th. and kristi moe will be in florida part of that time. woot.
i think "it's my party" is an amazing song. so there.
tonight or tomorrow i am going to write that letter to al green (greeeeeeeeeeeeeen) about taking yiddish at columbia. glenn finally got back to me, he says he doesn't think his yiddish is strong enough to speak it in our conferences. but i don't believe him. we'll see.
i cannot wait to get those don-change forms signed.
i got a terrible grade on a test yesterday. i just didn't know the vocab well enough.
[tests, grades, aaggagagagagahahha]
ungh. i need to do better in class. i hate being one of the dumb kids. hate hate hate. need to learn vocab like woah.
There would be a picture of me with someone dressed as Harry Potter but there weren't ANY at the b&n on astor place. i went only for that. I've never even read harry potter. I went for the free frappucinos and to see the um coughfreakscough but there weren't any of the latter.
On Saturday, I met Maria and her friend Carolyn to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Maria likes her hands? Meh.
I like her smile better.
I think Carolyn thought I was really weird.
On Monday Chris came to visit.
He always makes that face. He spent most of the time he was here talking to his girlfriend on aim. Um. I was trying to sleep, but the cybersex kept me up. Um. He will kill me for typing that. Heh. : D
Sometimes i wonder that chris isn't weirded out by me. Hmm.
Then my sister came! She got here last night and will be here until Sunday. Right now she is at Klong while I "do homework." Um.
Um. I was bored while annie was on the phone and started taking pictures. : ) YAY! You can see my new rook.
Also, I was tagged!!! I never get tagged. By Sara.
List 5 reasons you are a dork. And make them good reasons. Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud of how big a dork you are! Then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and have them do the meme.
1) I still love anime. I get pulled right back into the mangas and shows that I dropped ages ago. I think i might order the whole Hana Yori Dango series so I'll have it when I get home. Also, Kim and I are going to watch all of Ayashi no Ceres in the fall.
2) I get excited by floor plans. Sometimes, when I'm bored, I go online and look at real estate pages. Heh.
3) I used to write fanfictions. For Titanic and Sailor Moon. Um. Heh. Sometimes I still go back to the websites I used to be addicted to and see if there's anything good. Sometimes there is.
4) I do my best to avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalk. It's just habit from when I was in third grade.
5) I have elaborate daydreams about what I would do if I ever met certain celebrities. Heh. Most of the time they end in my marrying them/babysitting for them. I am a terrible babysitter.
Umm. now I have to tag people? How about Olivia, Michelle Donze, Michelle Yu, Catie Miller, and Vanessa Prolow? Let's go with that.
Hoo-ey that was too much lj.