I thought I might attempt to post these in a timely manner, seeing as other people wanted them. This is timely for me, yay.
(From the surpise birthday party we threw for Michelle)
TEASER as always:
Michelle's surprised face!
Helena gives her Jesus present:
WTF, mates?
CAKE AND SMOKE (my RA: "I don't see the candles")
Jen's stripping outfit
Michelle wonders why she is being brought to the middle of the hallway and what will become of her:
The saucy beginnings, Hil and I waiting in the wings:
This is a cute picture. Love the three bras.
The crowd that had gathered to love upon Michelle:
Orgy on catie's bed!!! (Doesn't her room look lovely now?)
OKAY, SO TONIGHT. I got my rook pierced. Also in the past week I have cut and dyed my hair. (Self-destructive behavior much?)
MUDDY FLOOR (I love not being the messy one for the first time ever)