I have the best cup of coffee in front of me right now. It's smooth and rich and flavourful. Touching and stimulating all my tastebuds and thus my mind. Simply amazing, pretty much. I'd been living on the coffee left behind by the person who lived here before me, and that was a bad idea. She kept it in the freezer and then took it out everyday to use it*. So, it wasn't in good shape when I inherited it, but it was bean juice and free, so I didn't mind so much. But now that I have a real cup in front of me while catching up on
Countdown (even though Keith had the night off last night), I can't believe I stuck with the crappy stuff for so long. Good coffee is simply too good to waste time on the bad stuff.
Almost finished with the dissertation. Need to throw together another graph (which will take most of the morning b/c it involves tracking auction data on Yayoi Kusama, but it will be worth it...and I get to look at
pumpkins and polka dots!!!!) and need to tighten up final chapter once I've edited every thing else. Oh, and galleries. Need to find a place to talk about galleries b/c I think it's too short for its own chapter.
And having high tea with the girls today at the Orangery in Kensington Gardens. Happy-desu.
*DO NOT DO THIS!!! Keep it in the fridge/freezer ONLY if you are storing for long-term and not going to use regularly! Taking it in and out of the fridge/freezer means that it gets damp every time it starts to warm and then the coffee looses flavor and actually goes bad quicker. Keep it in an airtight tin in a cool, dry place instead. Things I have learned from Alton Brown. Mmmmm...Alton Brown...