I went to the county fair yesterday. I would just like to state, for the record, that I am apparently meant to be a shepherdess.
I love sheep. And goats. They licked me and nuzzled me with their freaky little horn-stubs, and some of them tried to eat my belt loops. To me, that is absolutely adorable. Also, they really do make those "baaaah!" noises. I had assumed that that was a myth. Lo and behold, it is the truth!
In other animal/fair-related news, I almost bought a rabbit. My plans were shot down when I realized that my dog would devour anything small and fuzzy brought into the house.
So besides cooing at animals, my mom and I did the usual fair things - spent too much money on pointless games, got caught in massive rainstorms, and watched cheesy magic tricks.
That massive rainstorm? Yeah, it produced an exodus of wet fair-goers, the likes of which I have never seen. Families ran, screaming children in tow, to the safe confines of their SUVs and mini-vans. My mom and I sought shelter under a hot dog stand, and tried to keep our hard-earned stuffed animals dry.
When the rain passed, we found the rest of my family and made the executive decision that it was time to go.
This is where you truly see how insane my family is. Instead of putting away our prizes in our various purses and whatnot, we chose to let them enjoy the feeling of the wind in their fur, by sticking them out of the sun roof of my mom's car.
Passers-by stared as a massive purple gorilla hung out of the top of a speeding vehicle. Children waved at stop lights, bicyclists tried to stay upright as they laughed at the spectacle. And we calmly sat in the car, faces straight and seeming confused. What was so funny?